Log Cabin
Friday night we went out to the Log Cabin ,a local dive bar just minutes away from the clinic to enjoy some time away from the clinic building and take in the Turlock nightlife. The bar was small and filled with a handful of regulars; we entertained ourselves with conversation and a review of the collective experiences at Lander. Emilie & Petra flew out on the Saturday and Greg left for Visalia, CA Monday a.m.
Petra & Greg toasting the completion of their 2 week experience with Lander Vet Clinic. Petra was part of the Summer Dairy Institute program that I participated in this past summer. It was great to have a mini-reunion and catch-up with our Canadian SDI-mate.
Petra, Emilie & I - Emilie is a vet student from Purdue who spent a full month externing with Lander Vet Clinic; by the end she was practically an associate.
SDI reunion Greg, Petra & I
Interesting to know.
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